Thursday, May 27, 2010

Yes Drill Sargeant!

So yesterday I was invited to dinner at the home of one of Fer's students (along with Fer of course). I hopped on a train over to Jersey City and spent a fantastic evening full of sushi, wine, dance performances, and......karaoke. I know, dream come true right?
But then today I was feeling guilty about skipping running group and instead eating 4 tons of sushi and custard and cheesecake. So I decided to finally go to this boot camp exercise class that I've been planning on attending for about a month now. And, sadly, I discovered that I am not the same spry young thing I was 5 or 6 years ago. The days when I delighted in being bullied into infinite sets of crunches and squats and lunges seem to be gone. Everything hurts.

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