Tuesday, May 25, 2010

I Am The Law

Yea...it's not as great as it sounds. After returning from a lovely trip to lovely Charlotte this weekend, I reported for jury duty on Monday morning as a dutiful citizen should. And I got picked for 4 weeks of grand jury service! I didn't even know what a grand jury was, having not been in a courtroom since my mock trial in AP History. (Boy, we defended the dickens out of FDR). Anyways, after now hearing several explanations in verbal, written and video form of the history, purpose and particulars of grand jury service I now feel confident that I understand my task. Sooo...I guess it's all up to me to keep the streets of Manhattan safe for all. Never fear denizens of this fine metropolis, Jessica Butler is on the case. And I'll be filling all my readers in on all the exciting details of the criminals that face the wrath of my justice. Just kidding- I don't relish the thought of being charged with a felony for revealing the secret proceedings that take place within the grand jury room. You'll all have to remain content with the mundane details of my daily life that I typically dole out to you. Please don't stop reading.

1 comment:

  1. Good times! Hopefully you don't have to ride public transit home with the defendants buddies like I did my 2nd to last time on jury duty. Awkward!
