Monday, May 3, 2010

It's May!!

Yes, May is here, and while this means many wonderful things, including the arrival of more flowers, and less April showers, it also means that I have to recognize that I have neglected this blog now, for almost an entire month! And not because there wasn't anything to write about- on the contrary, so much fun and exciting stuff was going on, that the blog just kind of fell by the wayside. Sooooo, let me hit you with the highlights:
April 17 Fer's birthday, and his dad came to visit us in New York for the weekend. Birthday dinner at Peter Luger's- steak overload ensued, and it was amazing.
April 19 My birthday! My parents came to visit Wednesday-Friday of this week and we went to see Jersey Boys with them, and had delicious bistro dinner at Le Bonne Soupe.
April 24 Springtime birthday BBQ, on the rooftop deck at a friend's apartment. Tons of delicious Argentine steak and sausages, sangria, sunshine and lots of friends came to hang out- best birthday party ever!
April 30 Last day of my last internship at Gouverneur Hospital- free at last! No more unpaid internships! Going to try to take this extra time to invest more in my job search, and have some fun too!

So, anyone who's still out there reading, please keep doing so, and as your present to me in honor of my birthday, please forgive my lapse. May is here!

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