Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Spring Showers and Springer Ladies

Went for lunch on this rainy rainy afternoon at 88 Orchard with my friend Brooke and her mom Ilene. My bistro salad with dates, walnuts, goat cheese and red onion was delectable, but the real treat was the company I got to enjoy. Brooke's mom is visiting from Malta where she now lives. Last time she was here I met her and Brooke at a Starbucks, where Ilene had her first taste of that strong Seattle brew. Since then I've been keeping track of her through her fantastic blog: an-american-in-malta. On this current trip I begged her to write about some of the positive things about the Big Apple after reading a few posts chronicling some of her NYC misadventures. She kindly complied, and even dedicated the post to me! It made my day! So go check out her blog and learn more about ex-pat life in Malta!

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