1) I have come to the realization that participating in a boot camp class is a commitment to what some would call "extreme" pain for the next 3 days. I am still wincing when walking up and down stairs today.
2) I am not meant to live alone. When left to my own devices I allow myself to be swallowed up by an overwhelming wave of inertia, causing me to spend most of my time indoors staring at some type of glowing screen. Fer has been away for only two days, and in that time I have managed to watch 3 full-length movies, innumerable YouTube clips, 2 episodes of House, and half of a Mexican soap opera. Thankfully I was rescued from solitude today by Brooke, who kindly invited me to lunch at Caracas Arepas Bar. It was delicioso, and saved me from eating another meal consisting entirely of spoonfuls of peanut butter out of the jar. She also deserves a shout-out for giving me her free sample of freeze-dried bananas that we got while walking through a street fair.
3) While free events are really awesome, sometimes the crowd that attends them is not. Tonight I went to a cool and free arts festival at Theater for the New City, which is really close to the apartment. It was a fun way to spend the night and I got to see a few performances that I really enjoyed. The company left a bit to be desired however- apparently a majority of the audience members were under the impression that the zero dollars they spent for their seats gave them the right to boss everyone around and demand complete silence at all times. One lady actually shushed me and gestured for me to stop turning the pages of my program. Oh of course, I can see how the gentle swish of paper would be an assault on your ears, distracting you from the terrible poem being read aloud on stage as a filler between acts. Sheesh.
From Show and Look to Show and Teach
12 years ago