Wednesday, August 18, 2010


Even though this happened on Monday night, I have been thinking about it ever since, so I have to blog about it despite lack of recentness (invented word). I went to a Bollywood dance class at a studio on the west side and had the best time! Finally got to live out my fantasy of taking part in a decadent Indian wedding, as we learned the dance to a song that the instructor said is really popular to play at weddings. Well, kind of...considering that I was surrounded by sweaty, middle-aged women in work-out gear, rather than glamorous, good-looking movie stars decked out in vibrant wedding finery. Regardless, I had so much fun, and had to look up the song when I got home so I could practice my moves. Check out this video that shows the song being performed in the movie of the same name: Om Shanti Om.

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