Saturday, May 15, 2010


So, ever since posting the video about soda pop yesterday, I've become obsessed with the show Obsessives. (I'm not sure if this is ironic or not- everyone is so picky about the definition of irony these days). So I've been watching one episode after another on Youtube (a fantastic waste of time), and then I stumbled across this great one about Una Pizza Napoletana here in NYC. And I'm watching this pizza-making maniac, thinking, oh yea I've heard of this place, getting all excitable and planning when I can experience this pizza nirvana. (Seriously, watch the video, the pizza looks amazing.) And then I found this NY Times article: Una Pizza Napoletana Has Closed. Big Debbie Downer moment. I can take small solace in the fact that I have had pizza from Motorino, which is the pizza joint that replaced it, and it was in fact excellent. But I really wanted to experience Anthony Mangieri's pizza- I feel like he channeled all his rage and misanthropy into making the perfect pizza, and with all that behind it, you know it had to be good.

Additionally- you should watch all of the Betty White SNL skits, after getting started with Debbie Downer. You'll laugh, or my name's not Blaaarrfangar Blaarrrrfangar.

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