Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Mixin it up

So last week, in honor of my impending graduation, I attended the annual student/faculty mixer of the Hunter College speech pathology graduate program. In the end I had a great time because I got to hang out with these lovely ladies (see photo)- my two favorite people in the whole program. However, I did have some reservations about joining the festivities due to my experience at last year's mixer.
At the time, despite having spent almost an entire year with my classmates, I didn't feel like I knew anyone very well, and was a mite uncomfortable socializing. But with an optimistic spirit, I decided to attend the event anyways and give it the old college try to make some friends. At some point during the awkward mingling, some trays of gross, fried bar food arrived to appease the hunger of the crowd. As I was perusing the comestibles, my favorite professor Dr C. amiably asked if I would be willing to distribute the snacks by carrying one of the trays to the other side of the crowded one. I willingly obliged...much to my detriment. As I struggled to transport this large tray through the fray, I was thronged by ravenous young woman, jostling to grab at the food, all asking me questions about what was being served. "Ummmm, what do you have? Ewwww what is that?" I suddenly became plagued with insecurity, thinking "Do they know that I'm another student? Have they mistaken me for a waitress?" After several awkward exchanges and terse responses on my part, I finally tossed the tray onto the nearest flat surface and abandoned my duty.
This year I managed to escape food service responsibilities. Unfortunately this means I also don't have any interesting stories to tell about this year.

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