Saturday, May 7, 2011

Seeing Red

The title is a funny pun, see, because I have pink eye....and I'm mad about it. There has been an ongoing pink eye epidemic at my school for the past few weeks and I thought I had successfully avoided it through obsessive hand-washing, but apparently my eyes are just an irresistible environment for infectious disease. Gross.
So I was pretty unhappy about that when I woke up today, but then I was able to get an early doctor's appointment this morning and get some eye drops, and then Fer and I went to brunch together at Lokal, and it was a beautiful sunny day, so I'm actually feeling pretty good right now. Nice try conjunctivitis, but you can't keep Jessica Butler down.

1 comment:

  1. The title is a funny pun, "not see", because I have pink just keeps going.
