Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Butler Sisters' Best Week Ever Part Deux

So of course, I don't have any pictures of this fun-filled seven days.
Double of course, I'm writing about it weeks after it happened.
But it was just so wonderful, that it actually brought me back to blogging after an insane few weeks (months?) of travel and end of school year activities.

MEB came to visit me in early June and the following list is comprised of just some of the fantastical events: (in random order)

Harry Potter, the Exhibit

Dinner at neighborhood faves Lomzyniaka and Amarin Cafe

Improv Show at the Magnet Theater

Beach Day at Brighton Beach

Doughnuts at Peter Pan Bakery

Drinks at enid's

Numpang sandwiches in Union Square

Chocolate coma induced by dessert at Max Brenner

Greenpoint neighborhood tour

Check out the links, and it will be just as if you were here for all the fun! Sort of.

1 comment:

  1. I am totally agree with your information great job i like it.
    Thanks for sharing with us.

